
NTUT IXD Exhibition Main Visual Wall

A Small AI Ecosystem Interactive Experience

I can't find the on-site photo, so here we are

What is this project?

this project is made for 104 IXD Graduate Exhibition. An Interactive Project Wall that can play with 5 different types of ai creature by using Kinect. Each creature have unique life cycle and their own moving behavior.

You can play as one of creature of this ecosystem and immerse yourself in this special world.


What is Ecosystem

In the academic context, an ecosystem is defined as the collective interaction of organisms and their environment within a specific habitat.

However, in this project, I divide the behaviors of the organisms into two layers:

Individual Organism Layer: This layer defines the behavior of individual organisms, including appearance and movement parameters.

Population Organism Layer: Organisms of the same species exhibit similar movement and feeding patterns at this layer.

Life Cycle


I categorize the biological ecosystem into three stages, with the ability to dynamically adjust the processes within each stage. For example, most organisms enter the death stage prematurely if they are eaten, while those not consumed continue to survive until the end of their lifespan (or beyond the boundaries).

Birth → Growth → Death

Perception of creature


Visual Perception: Sensing movement within the field of view

Behavior of creature

  1. Characteristics within the Same Population:
    • Reproduction (interaction between males and females)
    • Cooperation (symbiosis, parental care)
    • Organization (collective actions)
  2. Interactions between Different Populations:
    • Predation
    • Competition
    • Parasitism
    • Commensalism
    • Mutualism

version 1 by using processing

version 2 finish behavior designg

version 3 add main visual element

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  1. Unity3D 人工智能編程精萃
  2. AI For Game Developers
  3. 生物_wiki
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  4. 阿簡生物筆記-生物間的交互關係
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