
The Future-Proof Skill Stack

Note for video "The Future-Proof Skill Stack"

The Future-Proof Skill Stack (How Average People Become Millionaires)

key point

  1. Only slave are expected to perform one task for their entire life
  2. Stop worrying about what career skills ai will make obsolete
 worry about whether you are training (or being trained) to make ideal-future-aligned decisions, be open-minded and perceptive, and be self-motivated 
creativity is about achieving any goal with the knowledge and skill available to you , not fancy art or design
  3. What it takes to become irreplaceable individuals?
    • Study human nature, then study whatever you want
    • It is impossible to to know what the future will hold
    • All we know is that there will be a way of life that leads to the most satisfaction
    • You can’t depend on school system or the government or your parent to secure your future you have to control in your own hand
    • If school train you to be a modern slave that performs one task in one career for the entirety of your life, what is the knowledge and skill that sovereign are taught - or teach themselves?
  4. The future proof skill stack
    • Logic : How to derive truth from facts
    • Statistics : How to understand the implications of data
    • Rhetoric : how to persuade, and spot persuasion tactics
    • Research : How to gather information on an unknown subject
    • (Practical) Psychology : How to discern and understand the truth of others
    • Investment : How to manage and grow existing assets
    • Agency : How to make decisions about what course to pursue, and proactively take action to pursue it
  5. Technical know how
    • Social media - building a nome for yourself as your storefront
for the value you create. The command center for your business
    • Content - writing or video to educate, entertain, and inspire people to meet your value.
    • Email marketing - newsletters or sequences to nurture the audience you acquire
    • Visual design - illustrating the vibe of your brad to spark emotions in your viewers
    • Funnel Building - creating landing pages, websites, and fueling them with other technical skills like content and email
  6. What content should you focus on

    If the goal is to be in control of your future, it is wise to avoid education by those teaching how to be free but aren’t free themselves.

    • the interests you can’t help but tell others about
    • The books you can’t pull yourself away from
    • The idea that flood your search history
    • The projects you dream of building but can’t seem to find the time to
  7. about mastery
    • Mastery Is a blend of creativity and specific work 

    • Mastery cannot be trained, it must be practiced

    • you don’t succeed by being smarter 

    • you don’t succeed by working harder

    • you succeed when you possess specific domain-relevant knowledge with a creative vessel for distribution
  8. Final
    • Entrepreneurship is your vessel - so you are in full control of your future
    • Marketing and sales are your message - so you can inspire people to care about what you do
    • Writing and thinking are your medium - so you can distribute your message in public
    • technical know-how is the “how” - so you can succeed in the current marketing landscape
    • personal interest are the “what” - so you have a craft to your heart and soul into
    • your ideal future is the “why” - so you solve a problem that have experience with


  1. Set self generated goals, utilizing internet and mentor a bounden of information you can access to so you can educate yourself
  2. Learning following topic (in practical way, since these are not explicit learning you can only lean these topic by yourself)
    • Marketing & sales : if you don’t know how to attract and persuade, you will never get what you want, and your only option will be for an employer(or the government) to give to you. (Rhetoric, psychology)
    • Writing & thinking : the ability to communicate the value in your unique mind. The foundation of getting in front of other people. (Login, Research)
    • Entrepreneurship : the process of tacking my future into my own hands, hunting for my survival, and building products that I want to see in the world (that others care about) . (Statistics, agency, investment )
  3. So your job is to
    • Research process that others have found success with.
thankfully, you can find these with a simple research
    • Experiment with various techniques
implement the process you learn and attempt to get result
    • Identity patterns and principles 
Note the similarities between each and double down on them
    • Create your own p rocess 
tailor what you learn to your unique lifestyle and situation
    • Contribute to true education and passing it down
give people education that can’t be taught in school with a fundamental grounding in critical thinking
  4. Grow your interest because…
    • Interest is generated. Interest is programmed. You are interested in specific things because of how you were raised and the information you were exposed to. 
your are interested in them for a reason 
that means others can become interested in them with well-placed writing on social media 
you spend time, attention and money on your interests. That means others will spend those resources on you if you are valuable enough
free people don’t find a niche, they will create one
  5. Use your interest and mastery, creativity to build products that
    1. To make something that helped them better
    2. To solve a problem in their life
    3. To build what they want to see in the world